Do I need a licence to perform ultrasonic fat cavitation

The short answer is generally no but you do need to do your own research depending on which state or country you are in.

Each state and each country have their own rules on who can perform ultrasonic fat cavitation and whether or not you need a licence to perform this treatment in your body contouring clinic.

We have clients all around the world in many different countries and states and what you will generally find is because it is a non-invasive procedure licencing is not required or needed.

Ultrasonic fat cavitation as well as other treatments like cryo fat freezing and laser liposuction as well as the new treatment EMS sculpting are very similar and very rarely do require licencing in your state to perform these treatments

If you’re looking to start a body contouring business or interested in body sculpting training online and not too sure where to go don’t forget to check out some of the testimonials we have on our website and check out the courses and treatments that we do offer and if you have any questions at all regarding the courses just drop us a line either via email or chat

Cavitation is such an easy treatment to perform provided you do have the necessary training and certification and it definitely does add trust and confidence to your clients by being fully trained in these procedures


Fat Freezing Training Courses

Fat Freezing Training Courses

Learn how to perform fat freezing safely and effectively with our step by step training.

Fat Cavitation Training Courses

Fat Cavitation Training Courses

Help your clients reduce cellulite and melt fat and watch word of mouth spread like wildfire.

Columbian Wood Therapy

Columbian Wood Therapy

Learn how to use Columbian Wood Therapy to help your clients reduce cellulite and melt fat.