Body Cavitation Training Online

Want to give your clients a painless way of shaping and contouring areas on their bodies without invasive surgery? Now there’s an innovative aesthetic procedure you can use! Body Cavitation uses ultrasound technology, which breaks down fat deposits at the cellular level. This treatment is suitable for men or women who have stubborn pockets of obesity that refuse therapy and exercise.

The Body Cavitation treatment is a great option for those looking to get rid of their fat without sacrificing time or side effects. It can be done in just 20 minutes, and you’ll feel more confident after getting it done!

If you’ve been looking for a way to get rid of that stubborn arm fat or backchat, then we have just what your body needs. Body cavitation is an effective treatment option which can be used on all major areas including: upper arms; abdomen ; hips and thighs

It works by breaking up fatty tissue so it’s easier eliminate through dieting alone!

The results of Body Cavitation therapy are usually visible right away after the first treatment. Depending on your body composition, most clients will need 6-10 treatments to get optimal benefits and results!

The cost of Body Cavitation is between $100-300 per session, depending on the area.

Body cavitation is a new trend in the fitness industry and many people are looking for training providers. If you’re interested, there’s an online course available that will teach anyone how to do it!

With our online Body Cavitation certification, you can learn everything there is to know about the treatment protocol and whether or not candidates are eligible for it. You also get access real trainers should anything come up after finishing your course!

This course not only includes modules on how to get rid of wrinkles with radio frequency skin tightening and vacuuming, but also teaches you the benefits that come from combining both techniques together.

Your beauty business is waiting for you. We can’t wait to help take it from a small aesthetician’s office into the next level with our expert services and cutting-edge technology, so contact us today!


Fat Cavitation Training Courses

Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation
And Radiofrequency Certification
(2-in-1 Course)

A 2-in-1 course to promote your cavitation & RF treatment to give clients a slimmer, smoother silhouette.

Price: $197 USD

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Course

EMS Body Sculpting

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that improves muscle building and fat burning.

Price: $197 USD

Laser Lipo Course

Laser Lipo

Learn how to provide safe and effective treatments for Laser Lipolysis treatments.

Price: $197 USD